A Lesson (Hopefully) Learned
Well, this is a bummer. This photo was posted a few days ago on Facebook. I knew going into the firing that the plate on the left had a crack, around the ridge but the other plate was completely ok going into the kiln. After the initial sting of finding them cracked, I was off to find a reason why this happened and how to keep it from happening again. What appears to have happened to the first piece was either there was a bit of water left on the piece that settled into the spot where the lip rises and that moisture created a spot of unevenness in the drying process. For the other piece, that crack appears to have come from uneven heating in the firing. I had the plates stacked, which I've done many times stacking pieces: tiles, bowls, smaller pieces inside of others, but I think somehow there was an uneven heating causing this crack. I completed this firing in the test kiln which is a small kiln that ha...